You can now trade MINTME on PancakeSwap thanks to our angel investor @Wyll_BBK.
16 Nov 2022, 17:21
You can now trade MINTME on PancakeSwap thanks to our angel investor @Wyll_BBK. Liquidity provided by him has been locked for 3 months with @UNCX_token Smart Contract Try it out right here:
#MintMerebranding #thenewMintMe #MintMe #crypto #ETH #hiddengem
Same news in other sources
117 Nov 2022, 17:19
PancakeSwap has been added to the list of exchanges you can use to trade MINTME! And the best part is you can trade safely because liquidity has been guaranteed thanks to locked funds provided by our angel investor @Wyll_BBK
#MintMerebranding #thenewMintMe #MintMe #crypto #ETH
PancakeSwap has been added to the list of exchanges you can use to trade MINTME.
PancakeSwap has been added to the list of exchanges you can use to trade MINTME! And the best part is you can trade safely because liquidity has been guaranteed thanks to locked funds provided by our angel investor @Wyll_BBK
#MintMerebranding #thenewMintMe #MintMe #crypto #ETH